SEEDS: Love in a Mist Delft Blue

SEEDS: Love in a Mist Delft Blue



Love in a Mist Delft Blue has brush strokes of purple-ish blue atop white petals that makes it look like antique glazed pottery. 

* DEER Deer resistant * KIDS+PETS Non-toxic + edible * CLIMATE Heat loving * WATER Drought tolerant * INDOOR+POTS

Grows well in containers outside How to Plant Stick in the dirt 1/8" deep, 2" apart. Water gently and regularly as seedlings emerge over the next 2 weeks. Once babies are 2” tall, pluck so there's just one per 12". Where to Plant Full or part sun. When to Plant Early spring, or late fall if winters are mild. Sow directly into garden. Plant every 4 weeks for longer bloom season. When to Expect Blooms For about 4 weeks in summer. Care Instructions Water regularly until they get established, and then give them extra water during dry spells. Pick the flowers to encourage more blooms. Extra Credit Nigella leaves and petals are edible with a watercress flavor, and the seeds are widely used as a spice.

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